Trump Claims Immunity from Prosecution, Plans to Visit White House on Tuesday to Debate Antisemitism Weaponization

In a stunning turn of events, former President Donald Trump has declared himself immune from prosecution and has announced plans to visit the White House on Tuesday to engage in a highly anticipated debate on the weaponization of antisemitism. Trump, who seems to have a knack for making grand entrances, is set to make a triumphant return to the scene of his former power, ready to tackle the pressing issue of antisemitism with his trademark wit and charm.

It is unclear where Trump's newfound immunity from prosecution stems from, but sources close to the former president suggest that he may have stumbled upon some ancient legal loophole while binge-watching episodes of "Law & Order." Supporters of Trump are hailing this revelation as a groundbreaking legal strategy that could potentially revolutionize the justice system. Critics, on the other hand, are scratching their heads in confusion, wondering if they missed a memo or if they accidentally entered an alternate reality.

As for the topic of the debate, Trump's choice to discuss the weaponization of antisemitism has left many scratching their heads. After all, who better to tackle such a nuanced and sensitive issue than a man who once suggested that there were "very fine people on both sides" of a white supremacist rally? It's a bold move, to say the least.

One can only imagine the riveting exchange of ideas that will take place during this debate. Will Trump provide a comprehensive analysis of the historical roots of antisemitism and propose concrete solutions to combat it? Or will he simply resort to his tried-and-true tactic of name-calling and Twitter rants? Either way, it's sure to be a spectacle worth watching.

Of course, the White House staff is reportedly less than thrilled about Trump's impromptu visit. Many are still recovering from the trauma of his last tenure, which included a seemingly endless stream of executive orders, late-night tweets, and questionable hair choices. Some staff members have even considered barricading themselves in the Oval Office, hoping that Trump will mistake it for a Mar-a-Lago golf cart and move along.

As the day of the debate approaches, the anticipation is palpable. Will Trump's claims of immunity hold up in court? Will he manage to convince anyone that he is a champion against antisemitism? Or will this whole event turn out to be just another elaborate publicity stunt? Only time will tell. In the meantime, let's all sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the show.