Trump's Legal Team Holds Secret Meeting with Special Counsel, Discusses Strategy to Defend 'The Orange Tornado'

In a shocking turn of events, President Donald Trump's legal team has reportedly held a secret meeting with the special counsel to discuss their strategy in defending their client, affectionately known as "The Orange Tornado." Yes, you heard that right – a secret meeting, because nothing says innocent like clandestine gatherings.

According to anonymous sources, the meeting took place in a dimly lit room, adorned with portraits of past presidents and a giant "Make America Great Again" banner hanging on the wall. The lawyers, dressed in their finest suits and "Make America Great Again" hats, huddled together, whispering about the best way to protect their beloved leader.

One can only imagine the brilliant legal tactics being devised behind those closed doors. Perhaps they discussed the groundbreaking strategy of blaming everything on a rogue squirrel that infiltrated the Oval Office, causing chaos and confusion. Or maybe they explored the possibility of claiming that Trump's hair is actually an alien entity that controls his every move, thus absolving him of any responsibility.

But let's not forget the most crucial aspect of any legal defense – the witnesses. Rumor has it that Trump's legal team is considering calling a parade of characters to the stand, including a magician who can make evidence disappear, a hypnotist who can convince the jury that Trump is innocent, and a professional contortionist who can twist the truth into unimaginable shapes.

Of course, no defense strategy would be complete without a touch of conspiracy. It is said that Trump's lawyers are exploring the possibility of arguing that the entire investigation is a plot orchestrated by a secret society of deep state operatives, hell-bent on tarnishing the reputation of the "Orange Tornado."

As news of this secret meeting leaked, critics were quick to point out the absurdity of it all. One Twitter user wrote, "I can't wait for the next episode of 'Law & Order: Special Counsel Unit,' where they solve crimes while wearing 'Make America Great Again' hats." Another quipped, "I hear their defense strategy involves building a wall around the courtroom and making the jury pay for it."

While the details of this secret meeting are still shrouded in mystery, one thing is clear – the legal team defending "The Orange Tornado" is determined to go above and beyond to protect their client. Whether their strategy involves squirrels, aliens, or contortionists, one thing is for certain: it's going to be a wild ride.