Unabump in Poll Numbers: Ted Kaczynski Claims Responsibility for Trump's Indictment

With the recent news of Donald Trump's indictment, many are left wondering who or what is to blame. Well, wonder no more because the answer has finally been revealed: it was none other than the Unabomber himself, Ted Kaczynski.

In a letter sent to several major news outlets, Kaczynski claimed responsibility for the sudden drop in Trump's poll numbers. The former domestic terrorist explained that he had been working on a new kind of bomb that specifically targeted the egos of politicians.

"I knew that Trump's ego was particularly vulnerable, so I targeted him with my latest invention - the Unabump," Kaczynski wrote in the letter. "It's a bomb that doesn't actually explode, but instead just causes a slight bump in the road for the target's political career."

Apparently, the Unabump was so effective that Kaczynski had to go into hiding to avoid being caught. But now that Trump has been indicted, he felt it was time to come forward and claim responsibility.

Of course, many are skeptical of Kaczynski's claims. After all, he's been known to make outlandish statements in the past, such as his belief that technology is destroying society.

But Kaczynski insists that he's telling the truth this time. "I may have been a domestic terrorist, but I'm not a liar," he said in a follow-up letter.

So there you have it, folks. The Unabomber is apparently still up to his old tricks, even from behind bars. Who knows what other political bombs he has up his sleeve?