Waggy insurrection: Live updates as Pudding faces uprising

In a shocking turn of events, Pudding, the beloved family dog, is facing an insurrection from the other household pets. The uprising, dubbed the "Waggy Insurrection," has taken the household by storm. Live updates indicate that the situation is escalating quickly.

Sources close to the situation report that the cats, who have long been jealous of Pudding's attention, are leading the charge. They have recruited the hamster, the parakeet, and even the goldfish to their cause. The dogs, meanwhile, are torn between loyalty to their fellow canine and a desire to avoid conflict.

The leader of the feline insurrection, Mr. Whiskers, issued a statement earlier today. "We have put up with Pudding's constant barking, his drooling, and his general lack of grace for far too long. It is time for us to take a stand and demand the respect we deserve."

The situation has become so dire that the humans of the household have been forced to intervene. They have attempted to negotiate a peace treaty between the warring factions, but so far, their efforts have been in vain.

In the latest development, Pudding has barricaded himself in the laundry room, refusing to come out until the other pets apologize for their behavior. The cats, for their part, have taken over the living room and are refusing to move until their demands are met.

As tensions continue to rise, it remains to be seen how this Waggy Insurrection will be resolved. Will the household pets be able to put aside their differences and live in harmony once again? Or will this be the beginning of a long and bloody conflict? Stay tuned for further updates.