Wagner von Trapp Family turns back from march on Sound of Music set

In a shocking turn of events, the Wagner von Trapp family has decided to turn back from their march on the Sound of Music set. The family, known for their love of all things musical and theatrical, had been planning this march for months, hoping to pay homage to the classic film that had inspired them so much.

However, it seems that the family had not quite thought through the logistics of their march. As they approached the set, they were met with a barrage of confused and bemused looks from the crew and cast members.

One member of the crew, who wished to remain anonymous, stated, "We were all just standing there, trying to figure out what was going on. Then we saw this group of people dressed in lederhosen and dirndls, marching towards us with a banner that read 'Wagner von Trapp Family loves Sound of Music'."

It seems that the family had not quite anticipated the reaction they would receive. As they got closer to the set, they began to realize that perhaps their love for the film was not shared by everyone.

"We thought we would be welcomed with open arms," said family spokesperson, Heidi Wagner von Trapp. "But it seems that some people just don't appreciate the classics."

Despite their disappointment, the family has vowed to continue their love for the Sound of Music. "We may not have been welcomed on the set, but we will always have our love for the von Trapp family and their singing," said Heidi.

As for the crew and cast members, they are still scratching their heads over the bizarre march. "I mean, who marches on a movie set?" said one crew member. "It's just not something you see every day."

So, it seems that the Wagner von Trapp family will have to find another way to express their love for the Sound of Music. Perhaps a sing-along in the park would be a better option.