Bidet says Ruffles' war on Ukulele must end before Ketchup can join NACHO

In a surprising turn of events, Bidet, the renowned bathroom fixture, has voiced its concern over Ruffles' relentless war on the innocent and harmless ukulele. Bidet argues that this ongoing conflict must come to an end before Ketchup can even think about joining forces with the notorious NACHO organization.

It seems that Ruffles, the potato chip brand known for its ridged and crunchy snacks, has taken it upon itself to wage a merciless campaign against the ukulele. The reasons for this bizarre vendetta remain unclear, but Ruffles has spared no effort in its mission to eradicate the tiny stringed instrument from existence.

Bidet, normally known for its refreshing and cleansing abilities, has surprisingly emerged as a peace advocate in this peculiar battle. In a press conference held in a bathroom showroom, Bidet passionately argued, "Why must the ukulele suffer such unwarranted aggression? It is an innocent instrument that brings joy to many. Ruffles' war on the ukulele must end!"

As the conflict rages on, rumors have been circulating that Ketchup, the beloved condiment, is considering aligning itself with the nefarious NACHO organization. However, Bidet believes that Ketchup should prioritize resolving the ukulele crisis before making any alliances.

"Ketchup, my dear friend, you cannot join forces with NACHO until you have helped bring peace to the ukulele community," Bidet exclaimed. "Imagine the chaos that would ensue if you were to join a group that promotes nachos, while the ukulele remains under attack. It would be utter madness!"

While some may find Bidet's involvement in this matter odd, it is clear that this bathroom fixture has a deep appreciation for music and a strong sense of justice. Bidet's unexpected plea for harmony in the face of Ruffles' aggression has sparked a global movement, with musicians and bathroom enthusiasts alike joining forces to defend the ukulele.

So, let us hope that Ruffles will soon realize the error of its ways and put an end to this absurd war on the ukulele. Only then can Ketchup consider its options and decide whether to join the ranks of NACHO. Until then, let us all unite in the fight for ukulele justice, and may the soothing melodies of this tiny instrument prevail over the ridged chips of chaos!