Elon Musk, the eccentric billionaire and self-proclaimed tech genius, has once again made headlines with his latest stunt. After declaring himself the "Supreme Leader of Mars" in a bizarre and seemingly delusional move, Musk has now issued a challenge to none other than former President Donald Trump to a space race.
In a series of tweets, Musk taunted Trump, claiming that he is the rightful ruler of the red planet and that he is ready to defend his title against any challengers. "I am the Supreme Leader of Mars, and I challenge Trump to a space race to prove once and for all who is the true king of the cosmos," Musk tweeted, accompanied by a picture of himself wearing a makeshift Martian crown.
Trump, never one to back down from a challenge, quickly responded with his own tweet, mocking Musk's claims of Martian supremacy. "Elon Musk thinks he's the Supreme Leader of Mars? Sad! I'll show him who the real space king is. Space Force, prepare for launch!"
As the two billionaires continue to exchange barbs on social media, the rest of the world can only watch in amusement at the spectacle unfolding before them. Will Musk's self-appointed title of "Supreme Leader of Mars" hold up in the face of Trump's Space Force? Only time will tell.
One thing is for certain, though - this space race is shaping up to be the most absurd and entertaining competition in the history of mankind. Who will emerge victorious in the battle for interplanetary supremacy? Stay tuned to find out!