Five People Who Died on the Titanic Submersible Expedition Actually Found Living in Underwater Atlantis

In a shocking turn of events, it has been discovered that five people who were believed to have died during the Titanic submersible expedition have actually been found living in an underwater city called Atlantis. This discovery has left many scratching their heads and wondering what else we have been wrong about all these years.

The five individuals, who have been identified as Jack, Rose, Cal, Ruth, and Thomas, were presumed dead after their submersible went missing during the expedition. However, it seems that they managed to survive by finding their way to the fabled city of Atlantis.

According to sources, the group has been living in Atlantis for the past 100 years and have been enjoying the amenities of the underwater city. They have reportedly been spotted lounging on the beach, sipping on cocktails, and enjoying the company of the city's inhabitants.

When asked about their experience, Jack, who was believed to have drowned in the icy waters of the Atlantic, said, "It's been a wild ride. We never thought we'd end up in Atlantis, but we're grateful for the hospitality of the locals."

The discovery of the group has caused quite a stir in the scientific community, with many questioning how they managed to survive for so long underwater. Some have speculated that they may have stumbled upon some sort of underwater magic that has kept them alive all these years.

Others, however, are skeptical of the discovery and believe that it may be a hoax. "It's hard to believe that they could have survived for so long underwater without any sort of support or technology," said one expert.

Regardless of whether the discovery is real or not, it has certainly captured the imagination of the public. Many are now wondering what other secrets the ocean may be hiding and whether there are other underwater cities waiting to be discovered.

As for Jack, Rose, Cal, Ruth, and Thomas, they seem content to continue living in Atlantis and enjoying the good life. "We've had enough of the surface world," said Rose. "We're happy to stay down here and live out the rest of our days in peace."