Francesco Perry rushes in to Tornadoville, Texas, after giant pizza slices through community

Tornadoville, Texas – Francesco Perry, a renowned pizza chef, has made an unexpected appearance in this small town after a giant pizza sliced through the community. According to eyewitnesses, the pizza was at least 10 feet in diameter and landed in the middle of the town square, causing chaos and confusion among the residents.

Francesco Perry, who is known for his love of pizza and his oversized personality, wasted no time in rushing to the scene. He arrived in a bright yellow pizza delivery car, complete with a giant pepperoni on top, and immediately began assessing the situation.

"I've never seen anything like this before," Perry said, as he surveyed the damage. "It's a tragedy for the people of Tornadoville. But don't worry, I'm here to save the day!"

Perry quickly got to work, using his extensive knowledge of pizza to come up with a plan. He enlisted the help of local firefighters and together, they managed to slice the giant pizza into manageable pieces and distribute them to the hungry residents.

"It's not every day you get a pizza this big," said one resident, as she tucked into a slice. "It's a shame it had to come at the expense of our town, but at least we have something to eat!"

As for Francesco Perry, he has become somewhat of a hero in Tornadoville. He has even been offered a key to the city in recognition of his efforts. But Perry remains humble.

"I'm just doing what any pizza lover would do," he said, as he climbed back into his delivery car. "Saving the world, one slice at a time!"