Local Sandwich Artist Discovers How to Spot Submarine Sandwiches from Surveillance Planes

Local sandwich artist, John, has made a groundbreaking discovery that has left the sandwich industry in awe. After years of working at the local Subway, John has finally figured out how to spot submarine sandwiches from surveillance planes.

According to John, it all started when he was on break and decided to look up at the sky. He noticed a small plane flying overhead and wondered if they could see what he was doing. That's when he had a stroke of genius.

John realized that the shape of a submarine sandwich is distinct enough to be seen from above. He immediately ran back inside and started to experiment with different sandwich shapes and sizes. After several attempts, he finally found the perfect shape that could be spotted from a surveillance plane.

John's discovery has already caused a stir in the sandwich community. Many have called him a hero, while others have questioned his sanity. However, John remains undeterred and has even started to offer his services to local law enforcement agencies.

When asked about his newfound fame, John simply replied, "I'm just doing my part to make the world a safer place, one sandwich at a time."

While some may scoff at John's discovery, there's no denying that he has revolutionized the way we think about sandwiches. Who knows what other sandwich-related secrets are waiting to be uncovered?