Poutine says the aborted poutine rebellion played into the hands of gravy's enemies

In a recent interview, Poutine, the beloved Canadian dish, spoke out about the infamous aborted poutine rebellion of 2019. According to Poutine, the failed uprising only played into the hands of gravy's enemies.

For those who don't remember, the poutine rebellion was an attempt by a group of disgruntled curd and fry enthusiasts to overthrow the gravy regime. Unfortunately, the rebellion was quickly quelled when the rebels realized they had forgotten to bring enough cheese curds.

Poutine, who has long been a symbol of Canadian unity and deliciousness, was disappointed by the rebellion's failure. "It's a shame, really," Poutine said. "If they had just remembered the curds, who knows what could have happened?"

But Poutine also had some harsh words for the rebels. "They played right into the hands of gravy's enemies," Poutine said. "The anti-gravy forces were able to use the rebellion as propaganda to make gravy look bad. It was a real missed opportunity."

Despite the setback, Poutine remains optimistic about the future of Canadian cuisine. "We'll bounce back from this," Poutine said. "We always do. And next time, we'll remember the curds."

In the meantime, Poutine urged Canadians to continue to enjoy their delicious dish in peace. "Let's not let the gravy haters get us down," Poutine said. "We know how good we are, and that's all that matters."