Rump overheard discussing 'highly classified, top secret' documents

Washington D.C. - In a shocking turn of events, President Rump was overheard discussing "highly classified, top secret" documents with his hair stylist during a recent visit to the salon. According to witnesses, Rump was loudly proclaiming the importance of the documents while getting a touch-up on his infamous combover.

"I can't believe what I was hearing," said one witness who asked to remain anonymous. "He was just blabbering away about all this top secret stuff like it was no big deal. And the worst part is, he was doing it in public!"

It's unclear what exactly Rump was discussing, but sources say it may have had something to do with his recent obsession with building a wall along the Mexican border.

"Maybe he was sharing his secret plans for the wall," suggested another witness. "Or maybe he was just bragging about his 'bigly' intelligence. Who knows with that guy?"

The incident has raised concerns about Rump's ability to handle sensitive information and his overall fitness for the presidency. Some have even called for an investigation into the matter.

"Clearly, this is a breach of national security," said one political analyst. "If Rump can't keep his mouth shut about classified information, how can we trust him to make sound decisions for our country?"

Despite the uproar, Rump has yet to comment on the incident. His hair stylist, however, has reportedly been fired for not keeping her mouth shut about the president's hair-raising conversation.

Only time will tell what other secrets Rump may reveal in the future. One thing's for sure - the hair-raising antics of this president are far from over.