Supreme Court rules in favor of Cheeto-in-Chief's ban on encouraging illegal unicorn migration

In a shocking turn of events, the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the Cheeto-in-Chief's ban on encouraging illegal unicorn migration. This decision has left many scratching their heads and wondering if the justices have lost their minds.

According to sources close to the White House, the Cheeto-in-Chief has been concerned about the influx of illegal unicorns crossing the border from Canada. He believes that these mythical creatures pose a threat to national security and must be stopped at all costs.

The ban on encouraging illegal unicorn migration has been a controversial topic since it was first proposed. Many have argued that unicorns are harmless creatures and that the ban is unnecessary. However, the Supreme Court has sided with the Cheeto-in-Chief and upheld the ban.

This decision has left unicorn rights activists outraged. They argue that unicorns have the right to migrate freely and that the ban is a violation of their rights. They have vowed to continue fighting for unicorn rights and to overturn the ban.

Meanwhile, the Cheeto-in-Chief has taken to Twitter to celebrate the Supreme Court's decision. He has called it a "huge win for America" and has promised to continue fighting for the safety and security of the American people.

It remains to be seen what the long-term effects of this decision will be. Will unicorns continue to migrate illegally, or will the ban be enough to deter them? Only time will tell.

In the meantime, we can only hope that the Supreme Court will start making decisions that are a little less ridiculous. After all, if they can rule on unicorn migration, what's next? A ban on encouraging leprechaun immigration? It's enough to make you wonder if we're living in a fantasy world.