Don T. Rump claims innocence in trial over top secret cheeseburger recipe... Vladdy Poutine concedes Russia lacks enough weapons and pizza delivery drones

In a shocking turn of events, Don T. Rump, the former President of the United States, has claimed innocence in a trial over his top secret cheeseburger recipe. Rump, known for his love of fast food, has been accused of stealing the recipe from a local diner in his hometown of New York City. However, Rump insists that he came up with the recipe all on his own, and that it is one of the greatest cheeseburgers of all time.

Meanwhile, in Russia, Vladdy Poutine has conceded that the country lacks enough weapons and pizza delivery drones to take on the rest of the world. Poutine, who has long been known for his aggressive stance on foreign policy, has been forced to admit that Russia simply doesn't have the resources to compete with the likes of the United States and China.

The news has been met with mixed reactions, with some praising Poutine for his honesty and others criticizing him for not doing more to prepare the country for a potential conflict. Meanwhile, Rump's trial continues, with many wondering if the former President will be able to convince a jury of his innocence.

In the midst of all this, it's hard not to feel a little bit of sympathy for both men. After all, who among us hasn't been accused of stealing a cheeseburger recipe or lacking enough pizza delivery drones? It's a tough world out there, and sometimes even the most powerful leaders can find themselves feeling a little bit helpless.

But hey, at least we can all agree on one thing: cheeseburgers and pizza are pretty great. Maybe if we all focus on that, we can find some common ground and avoid any more conflicts. After all, there's nothing like a good cheeseburger to bring people together.