Walt Nauta, former Trump employee, raises money for legal defense fund while dressed as a walrus

Former Trump employee Walt Nauta has found a unique way to raise money for his legal defense fund: by dressing up as a walrus. Yes, you read that right. In an effort to garner sympathy and support, Nauta has taken to the streets in a full walrus costume, complete with flippers and tusks.

According to Nauta, the walrus costume symbolizes strength and resilience. “Walruses are tough creatures,” he says. “They can survive in some of the harshest conditions on earth. And that’s exactly what I’m doing right now – surviving in a harsh legal environment.”

But not everyone is buying Nauta’s explanation. Some have criticized his choice of costume, calling it ridiculous and even offensive. “I mean, what does a walrus have to do with anything?” asks one passerby. “It’s just bizarre.”

Despite the backlash, Nauta remains undeterred. He’s even started a GoFundMe page to raise money for his legal defense fund, with all proceeds going towards his walrus-themed legal fees. So far, he’s raised over $5,000 from sympathetic donors.

But perhaps the most surprising thing about Nauta’s walrus persona is how well it seems to be working. According to sources close to the former Trump employee, the walrus costume has helped him gain sympathy from potential jurors and even some judges. “People just can’t resist a guy in a walrus suit,” says one insider. “It’s like a guaranteed way to get people on your side.”

Only time will tell if Nauta’s walrus-themed legal defense will be successful. But one thing’s for sure – he’s certainly making waves (or should we say, flippers) in the legal world.