Canadians apologize for covering US East Coast in smoke, blame it on Maple Syrup production mishap; Knife-wielding Baguette attacks children in southeast France, officials say

Well, well, well. It seems like the Canadians have done it again. They've apologized for covering the US East Coast in smoke. But don't worry, it's not their fault. They blame it on a Maple Syrup production mishap. How very Canadian of them to apologize for something they had no control over. Maybe they should apologize for apologizing too much.

It's not the first time the Canadians have caused problems. Remember when they apologized for Justin Bieber? Or when they apologized for Nickelback? It's almost like they're trying to make up for something.

Meanwhile, in southeast France, a knife-wielding baguette is on the loose. Yes, you read that right. A baguette, the iconic French bread, is attacking children. Officials say they have no idea how the baguette became sentient or how it got ahold of a knife. Maybe it's a new French weapon, or maybe it's just a really angry loaf of bread. Either way, it's a good thing croissants aren't violent.

It's a strange world we live in. Canadians apologizing for smoke and baguettes attacking children. What's next? Maybe the Australians will apologize for drop bears, or the Americans will apologize for Florida Man. Only time will tell.