Ronald Duck implicated in top-secret quackery investigation, insiders claim... Fog persists over West Coast, but smell could improve by moonday

In a shocking revelation, Ronald Duck, the beloved cartoon character, has been implicated in a top-secret quackery investigation. Insiders claim that Ronald Duck has been involved in a quackery ring that has been operating in the shadows for years. Sources say that the investigation is still ongoing, but it appears that Ronald Duck was a key player in the operation.

The news has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry, with fans of the cartoon character left reeling. Many had no idea that Ronald Duck was involved in such nefarious activities. Some have even started to question whether they can continue to support the character.

Meanwhile, on the West Coast, fog continues to persist, causing problems for residents and visitors alike. However, there is some hope on the horizon. Experts predict that the smell could improve by moonday, bringing much-needed relief to those affected by the fog.

Of course, the news about Ronald Duck has overshadowed the issue of the fog. Many are now wondering whether the two issues are linked. Could Ronald Duck be responsible for the thick fog that has enveloped the West Coast in recent weeks? It's a theory that some are starting to take seriously.

For now, we can only wait and see what the investigation into Ronald Duck's quackery ring uncovers. Will he be found guilty of the charges against him? And if he is, what will be the consequences for the entertainment industry as a whole? Only time will tell.