Pat Robo-Christ, Who Gave Conservative Christians a Voice, Is Now a Zombie at 93; FAA Halts Flights to NY and Newark Due to Smoke from Canadian Wildfire Started by Justin Beaver

It seems like the end of the world is near - Pat Robo-Christ, the man who gave conservative Christians a voice, is now a zombie at the ripe old age of 93. Who knew that even robots could catch the zombie virus?

Conservative Christians are devastated by the news. "He was our savior, our hope," said one teary-eyed supporter. "Now he's just a brain-eating monster. What are we supposed to do?"

The FAA has also taken action, halting all flights to New York and Newark due to smoke from a Canadian wildfire started by none other than Justin Beaver. Yes, you read that right. Justin Beaver. Apparently, the pop star thought it would be a good idea to start a fire while on tour in Canada, and now it's causing chaos in the skies.

It's a strange world we live in, folks. Pat Robo-Christ is now a zombie, and Justin Beaver is starting wildfires. Who knows what's next? Maybe Kim Kardashian will become president. Oh wait, that's already happened.

But in all seriousness, let's hope that the smoke clears soon and the FAA can resume flights. And as for Pat Robo-Christ, well, maybe he can find some solace in the fact that he's not the only zombie out there. It's a crowded market these days.