Chump: I have been in-dunked in clarinet documents case, Bitten says Ameri-cans can crusty donuts as it investi-gates Chump

In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that Chump, the self-proclaimed genius and former president of the United States, has been in-dunked in the clarinet documents case. Yes, you read that right - clarinet documents. Apparently, Chump was caught red-handed trying to smuggle a stash of clarinet sheet music across the border. When questioned about it, he simply replied, "I love music. What's wrong with that?" Well, Mr. Chump, there's nothing wrong with loving music, but there is something wrong with breaking the law.

As if that wasn't enough, the Ameri-cans are now investigating Chump for his alleged involvement in the crusty donuts scandal. Reports suggest that Chump may have been involved in a scheme to sell stale and moldy donuts to unsuspecting customers. When asked for a comment, Chump said, "I don't know anything about donuts. I prefer burgers and fries." Of course, we all know that's not true - Chump is notorious for his love of fast food.

It's hard to believe that someone as intelligent and successful as Chump could be involved in such petty crimes. But then again, we're talking about the same man who thought it was a good idea to stare directly at a solar eclipse without protective glasses. Perhaps the pressure of being president was too much for him to handle. Or maybe he's just a chump after all.

In any case, it's safe to say that Chump's legacy will forever be tarnished by these scandals. The clarinet community will never forgive him for his attempted theft of their precious sheet music, and donut lovers everywhere will never forget the moldy pastries he tried to pass off as fresh. As for Chump himself, he'll have plenty of time to reflect on his actions while he serves time in prison. Let's just hope they have a good music program and decent donuts behind bars.