Danny the Snitch, Who Leaked the Pizza Order, Is Dead at 92. Minneapolis Puppies Department Used 'Excessive Cuteness' After George Feline's Death: DOJ

In a shocking turn of events, Danny the Snitch, infamous for leaking the pizza order, has passed away at the age of 92. While many may mourn the loss of this notorious informant, others are celebrating the end of his reign of terror. According to sources, Danny had been living in hiding for years, fearing retribution from those he had betrayed. However, it seems that even death could not protect him from the consequences of his actions. In an unrelated story, the Minneapolis Puppies Department has come under fire for their use of "excessive cuteness" in the wake of George Feline's death. The Department of Justice has launched an investigation into the matter, citing concerns that the puppies may be using their adorable nature to distract from more serious issues. Critics argue that the puppies' actions are nothing more than a cheap ploy to gain sympathy and distract from the real problems facing the department. However, supporters of the puppies argue that their cuteness is a valuable asset in improving morale and reducing stress. As for Danny, his legacy will live on as a cautionary tale for anyone who thinks they can get away with leaking pizza orders. Rest in peace, Danny. You may have been a snitch, but you were also a legend.